This is a late last post of 2011 but seemed appropriate with all this tropical rain today.
A couple of weeks or more back I was working on my computer when I was distracted, it doesn't take much, by this welcome swallow swooping and turning below the large oak tree that overhangs my garden from next door.
It was heavy rain and I think that maybe insects were disturbed from the tree. Apparently English oak trees can host up to 300 different species. The swallow was occasionally joined by another and I watched their acrobatics for some time.
Every so often this bird would stop for a rest on the washing line. A friend described this beautifully "A welcome swallow dipped in blue rests momentarily on our washing line while plucking insects from the falling rain"
I was able to take this photo with a long exposure which shows up the streaks of rain. I have been looking out this morning for hopefully a return visit. However these experiences with the natural world are so momentary.