Sorry to disappoint but these kakariki were not enjoying a moment of passion on the Island but certainly some affection between a parent bird still feeding their young. The young bird mewed as it looked up to the adult before an exchange of food which resembled stringy chewing gum, we are still uncertain what the food was.

This whitehead was feeding on inkweed
Phytolacca octandra. Unfortunately not a native plant but one from South America.
Its been a very dry summer and the dams were either dry or almost empty. It was good to enjoy beautiful weather for the week and walking the East Coast track several times it was good to see the little indigenous pouwhiwhi, Ipomoea cairica in flower above Fisherman's bay. This is one of my favourite spots on the Island,
Its been a very dry summer and the dams were either dry or almost empty. It was good to enjoy beautiful weather for the week and walking the East Coast track several times it was good to see the little indigenous pouwhiwhi, Ipomoea cairica in flower above Fisherman's bay. This is one of my favourite spots on the Island,

We heard and I saw fernbird each day and at two visits to Te Pa point, one for a picnic lunch I was able to watch for a while but couldn't improve on the photos I took on my 2013 visit when I watched one nest building with a feather in its beak.

On the last day we were rewarded when two at the top of the Wattle track bounced into a mahoe tree and started to rip the leaves and dry seeds to bits.
Many thanks Mary-Ann, I will certainly consider guiding when I have more free time.
Photo Gallery at http://creativemomentsimages.co.nz/library/tiriApril2014/