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Its great to meet up with my sister and family and good to see that everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine.
It is extremely hot and by the afternoon its quite an effort to get about with the high humidity but walks under the shade of some beautiful trees remind me of what England is all about.

The English countryside and perfectly groomed villages look beautiful at this time of the year.
I'm again staying at the Squirrel pub at Hurtmore in Surrey which is a great location. That's my little room in the 16C cottages.

I have enjoyed some walks on my beloved Horsell Common, its the season for the heathers, Erica tetralix (cross leaved heather) is in flower and Calluna vulgaris will be later in the year, giving a carpet of purple to this heathland.

It was on Horsell Common that the HG Wells landed his Martian machines for the War of the Worlds story. Wells lived in the local town for some years. More recently this splendid stainless steel replica to the martians has been added to the town. Many years ago I was on Horsell common at nightfall watching badgers and I saw a huge comet cross the sky and wondered if Wells story was coming true.

Thanks Steve for a great day out and taking the time off before your trip to Menton in France,

I have also ventured into the Surrey Hills on several visits for about 8 mile walks with a good friend and we have seen roe deer, many butterflies and an interesting number of plant species growing on the calcareous soils. This included Giant Hogweed (the sap is a nasty irritant) and yes on that day we did have a shower or two of rain but it was short lived. The walks happily coincided with finding a little pub on route with great food and ale of course. The footpath network is extensive and the county of Surrey is the most wooded county in England. Its beautiful woodland of oak ,ash rowan and hawthorn with sweet chestnut and sycamore. Thanks John and Debbie for feeding me and guiding the great walks too.

Problem was that some people were erecting a marquee tent and although I was giving it a wide birth someone decided that I should be advised to keep even further away as the Health and Safety people were getting twitchy about me.
I suggested that it was unlikely that it could kill or injure me at that distance but he wasn't very amused. I continued to cross the field I wasn't going to miss this opportunity to get to the 'Hangers'.