Auckland is a fascinating area for its volcanic history and features surrounding the city and today was a chance to visit the Grotto at Onehunga. Its thought that this feature was caused by a volcanic collapse over flowing larva.
Geoff Ewen and Claire enjoying the shower! |
Maybe not the best day to visit because as soon as we assembled to hear Tim explain the site the heavens opened and we stood listening in a downpour. A good turn out though as usual and good to catch up with people. We were soon heading into what was once a pond and wetland but today was dry underfoot from the summer drought. Then we explored botanising the surrounding bush, clambering up the muddy sides of the pit which was a privet forest. Mike spotted a maidenhair fern.
The rain stopped until we came out then a torrential down pour. A quick lunch in the car and on to our second destination Anne's bay and a walk along the mangrove lined foreshore with weed and pest plants galore but also Muehlenbeckia and a native geranium and Mike showed us sea grass as the tide was now receding. Then spoonbill were spotted sifted the water of the estuary and a total of six were seen which was great climax to the day.
Photos to follow...................................