Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Flighty Island Birds.

It was an early start to head North then a long drive to the West coast to kayak to the island allowing time to walk up the beach in time for a High Tide bird count.

SIPOS head South
 On the way up that beach a huge number of South Island pied oystercatchers headed South to the Islands mid-point HT roost. By the time we arrived at our destination with time to spare many birds had left.

Upper wings and lower wings of SIPOS

Pied Stilt on the move

Copper to be identified.

Tricky trap locations hidden in dunes

Three of seven Whimbrel that flew by heading North

 Then the count was started only to be interrupted as some birds flew back. Why they were so flightly we do not know.

Today we also counted pied stilt, Caspian tern, NZ dotterel, banded dotterel and seven whimbrel flew North too.