Rain rain rain. Shouldn't complain. Its the first rain since Christmas and I seem to remember that the last time I joined Margi and Discovery walks for a walk around this reserve, a year or so back, it was raining then too. There is a real advantage to visiting this reserve after heavy rain as it has a couple of small waterfalls in the small disused quarry that bring the surrounding bush to life. Today although the stream near the entrance was gushing I suspect that interference with piping water for subdivisions and housing in the area have reduced the waterfalls to only perform after sustained heavy rain and when the water table has risen sufficiently in the area during the winter.
We had a small group of keen walkers who by the end of the walk were all thoroughly soaked but I think all enjoyed what I believe is the best time to see the bush at its best, after or during rain.
This was part of Margi's series of 'big trees on the Shore walks' co-ordinated with the Kaipatiki Project, the highlight being the huge Kahikatea thought to be over 700 years old. Another gem for me was seeing houhera (lacebark) in flower.