Ignoring the weather reports of moderate rain, 14 supporters of the Motuora project set out from Sandspit by water taxi on a busy Easter Sunday. This was a Pycroft's Petrel information day. Well more than that we were able to watch these beautiful birds being artificially fed by a keen group of dedicated volunteers. It was wonderful to be up close to see the real character of these birds that have been trans located from the Mercury Islands to form a new colony on Motuora Island.
The birds are taken before fledging from their source Island and are moved to their new home to imprint that locality before flying off for three years and then hopefully returning to Motuora as their new permanent home. Special burrows with inspection boxes had been previously prepared by volunteers as the new home for 70 birds.
I then walked to the Northern headland and in the afternoon to the Southern headland where I found long-tailed blue butterflies, a self introduced species that arrived in New Zealand in the 1960s.
My thanks to the team for a great day out and a very tasty BBQ at the potting sheds.

This is a great ongoing project to support, the restoration of this open sanctuary reserve with a friendly group of interesting volunteers and many thanks to Sian and Toby the two Island Managers for their help and knowledge making this an enjoyable day.
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