It’s on my bucket list, Kashmir. That’s after Western
Australia towards the end of this year. I don’t usually rave about camera equipment
but the photos in this excellent book by John Issac are all taken on an Olympus
E1 camera which was the first digital camera (2004) that I owned. Some reviews
at the time panned it for not having enough mega pixels It had 6 but boy
every mega pixel was excellent and the camera a pleasure to use particularly for
landscape and nature photography. I published my little North Shore Bush book with images taken with this camera. It was a very miss-understood camera system.

John Issac
is a master. Originally a UN photographer until the
effects of human suffering in war torn countries got the better of him and he re-invented
himself as a wildlife and travel photographer.. The photos of Kashmir are just
beautiful with a Rembrandt, biblical quality, particularly the
This book is an inspiration and I recommend it to anyone who thinks
that high spec’d cameras are the key to good photography. I have moved on to a Canon system for its focus tracking and high ISO, essential for birds in
flight photography but I have kept all my Olympus lenses and will build an
Olympus light weight camera system for Island hopping and travel with their latest offering, this time, the well reviewed OMD EM1.
That’s enough camera talk for a year or maybe a lifetime..
This book was a great present Thank you so much.